Monster 50+ Pound CUBERA SNAPPER Caught in Puerto Rico by JYG Pro Staff - Fishing Report

Location: Puerto Rico
Anglers: Joel Mendoza and Nachel Perea Martinez
Lure: JYG Pro Pink 80G Eyedrop
In the shimmering waters of Puerto Rico, anglers Joel Mendoza and Nachel Perea Martinez, embarked on an unforgettable fishing expedition. They dropped down the JYG Pro Pink 80G Eyedrop lure, what they hooked on the bottom was not what they were expecting. After a long battle a monstrous 51 Pound Cubera Snapper was floating at the surface.
The lure this Monster was caught on was the Pink 80G Eyedrop JYG, this jig is very versatile and great for Targeting Big Grouper and Snapper on the bottom similar to this one. Click the link below to try some for yourself!